Material Take-Off Tab
The Take-Off tab includes checkbox columns for Ceiling Assemblies and Quantity Take-Off documents.
Select the columns that you want included in the estimate. You can add individual columns or you can load column templates. Each take-off tab allows you to check a checkbox for the column to be displayed.
* Select Columns Video Tutorial
The material sort order lets you rearrange the order that your material is displayed to facilitate the way that you take-off an estimate.
* Column Sort Order Video Tutorial
Select the material to be displayed in the estimate. You can display items and assemblies to the open estimate from TurboCloud, or you can load a template of material.
* Select Material Video Tutorial
You can quickly create temporary assemblies. Give the temporary assembly a description. Approximate how long the assembly will take to install. Approximate the material cost.
* Temporary Assemblies Video Tutorial
This will open the material screen. the material screen displays all aspects of the material required for the estimates.
The material sort order lets you rearrange the order that your material is displayed to facilitate the way that you take-off an estimate.
* Material Sort Order Video Tutorial
You can use a different number of Jobsite Employees for each estimate.
* Jobsite Employees Video Tutorial
You can change the Tab Names.
Tab #2 is typically used for value engineering your blueprints. If you are not going to use tab #2, you can quickly hide it.
Optional tabs allow you to provide your customers with optional pricing