Assembly Specification Filter
I wanted to provide you with detailed specifications for the assembly. In TurboCloud, we have a specification filter that allows you to easily search for assemblies that meet your specific requirements. You have the flexibility to choose which specifications to use as filters.
For example, in the estimate you're currently working on, there is a requirement for Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (NM-B Romex) wiring. To filter assemblies based on this wiring method, simply select Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (NM-B Romex) in the Specification Filter. By doing this, only assemblies that include the Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (NM-B Romex) specification will be displayed in the assembly tree and grid view.
Similarly, if your estimate includes a need for light Almond devices, you can select Light Almond for the Specification Filter's device color. This will ensure that only assemblies containing the Light Almond specification are shown in the assembly tree and grid view.
Our goal is to make the assembly selection process as efficient and tailored to your needs as possible. With TurboCloud's specification filter, you can easily find the assemblies that meet your exact requirements.
Video Tutorial: The following Video Tutorial is included in TurboBid. It will teach you how to use the assembly specification filter.